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Making our own cookies 2017-04-08

APF organised a cookie-painting workshop cum Dress Blue Day party on 8 April 2017 (Saturday) to celebrate Easter and Dress Blue Day. To make the party more interesting, we arranged a Best Dressed Competition. All the children and parents well dressed with blue outfits in order to win the prizes.

Our volunteer Andy had pre-baked the cookies one day before the party. On the party day, he came early to our Parents Resources Centre, together with other volunteers to prepare colorful royal icing beforehand. When all the children had arrived, Andy demonstrated how to decorate cookies with different patterns. The children were very creative, painting various patterns related to Easter. Some of them even wrote their names on the cookies. Everyone was very satisfied with his/her design and took photos with the cookies. “The cookies were delicious. Hong Hong shared them with our relatives and friends. They all loved it,” Hong Hong’s mother said. 

In addition, we had invited a special guest to present gifts during the party, all the children were so excited to see him. Aoi Pui School had also prepared potted plants for the parents, so everyone received presents. “We all enjoy very much! Thank you for organising this unforgettable party for our children,” Ming’s mother said. 

Acknowledgement: Hallmark Cards (HK) Limited, Hasbro Far East Limited and volunteers.