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My son finally got his first hair cut at hair salon after treatment 2022-05-10

Kwan was sensitive to sounds. The sound of children crying or hair cutting would scare him off from the place, therein he had never succeeded to have a haircut at a salon. After Kwan received Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) treatment for a month, he finally went to a hair salon for a haircut! Kwans mother shared the story of her son with us:

“The treatment was effective. Kwan has shown his patience towards childrens crying. He tried to control his emotions by pinching himself, and wouldnt escape from the sound as he used to. He could finally have a haircut at a salon.

Kwan was self-centred and impulsive before. He always took the items he wanted without asking. I was annoyed and wondered why he couldnt ask for permission like other children. Its truly surprising that he is now able to ask for permission in a polite way.

ABA treatment is advantageous to improve children’s communication, behaviour and emotional control. In contrast, other treatments would rather focus on training gross and fine motor skills, but not attentive to children’s weaknesses, behavioural and emotional problems. I’m delighted that people spotted and praised the improvements of Kwan. From now on, I’m secured about his growth regardless of people’s views.”

Kwan’s mother was invited to share her perspective on ASD and ABA services with Autism Partnership Foundation (operating in Hong Kong) (APF, HK). Kwan is a current beneficiary of APF, HK.